How can we

unleash enormous economic opportunities in Australia?

Our Agenda for Business is designed to assist policymakers with specific measures that will re-energise economic growth and prosperity.

When businesses see a better policy environment, they will be quick to respond with investments, jobs, and innovation, each of which will underpin growing living standards for the future.

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Help us make a real difference for all Australians and contact your local decision-maker to get our policies across the line. Together we can:

  • Work towards every Aussie getting their dream job
  • Create better opportunities for Aussie businesses
  • Help local businesses become global leaders
  • Place Australia at the forefront of renewable energy technology
  • Close the skills gap




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Agenda for Business: Five priorities for revitalisng the Australian economy

The Australian economy has many great strengths but also faces significant challenges that must be urgently addressed if we are to achieve our competitive potential, keep the economy operating at, or near, full employment, and achieve the standard of living we aspire to.

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Agenda for Business: Five priorities for revitalisng the Australian economy

The Australian economy has many great strengths but also faces significant challenges that must be urgently addressed if we are to achieve our competitive potential, keep the economy operating at, or near, full employment, and achieve the standard of living we aspire to.


If we get the policy settings right in Australia, we can unleash enormous economic opportunities and benefits from the business community. When businesses see a better policy environment, they will be quick to respond with investments, jobs, and innovation, each of which will underpin growing living standards for the future. Our Agenda for Business is designed to assist policymakers with specific measures that will re-energise economic growth and prosperity.

What we need now is a commitment from policymakers to embrace these positive reforms.

Read the Agenda for Business paper.

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